Quick Start

The essentials in one page to get started with Adno..

An online service

The easiest way to get started is to use the online service. It is free and does not require registration. You can also start with an example.

As Adno is free software, you can also install it for yourself and others. The sources and installation instructions are available on Github.

Start a project

The Adno home screen is divided into three areas.

The first is a simple form, the second, next to it, allows you to load an existing project, and the third, below it, lists the projects stored by the browser.

home page

It allows you to:

  • create a project by entering the URL of a static image or an IIIF image,
  • import a project by loading an Adno project file.
  • retrieve a project a previously created project stored in your browser.

project example

For each existing project in the browser, a series of buttons allows access to the following features:

  • Preview
  • Edit
  • Duplicate
  • Download
  • Delete

Start with a static image

The image in png or jpg format must be on the Internet permanently and you must know its address (the URL). Enter this URL in the dedicated field and click on Create my project.


Start with an IIIF resource

If you’re not familiar with IIIF or if you want to learn more, you can check out the IIIF Online workshop provided by the IIIF consortium and led by Glen Robson.

You can start with an IIIF manifest or an IIIF image.

IIIF Manifest

This is a URL provided by the document publisher. The manifest describes the document with its metadata and images.


If there are several images, select one.

Sélection d’une image dans un manifeste

IIIF Image

You then use the direct url of an IIIF image, ending with info.json.


Start with an example

The examples page suggests resources from various domains.

Import a project

Use the Import a project button (Importer un projet) to upload a previously downloaded Adno file.

View and edit your project

The same interface allows you to view and edit a project.

Icon options in the header :

  • return to the home page and to the list of projects,
  • export the current project,
  • respectively reading and editing of the project metadata,
  • switch from view mode to edit mode, and vice versa.

Editing interface

Editor screen

To create a new annotation choose an annotation form:

Annotation buttons

Then select an area on the image by clicking and dragging. The editing interface appears to write the annotation.

To modify the content of an existing annotation, click on it. To resize it, move on the circles at the corners.

Actions to manage each annotation from the annotation list:

  • Edit this annotation,
  • Focus on the annotation area,
  • Move the annotation into the list of annotations,
  • Delete the annotation.

Each annotation can be associated with one or more keywords. These are entered in the field after the annotation content field. Don’t forget to press the Enter key after entering each keyword.

Viewing interface

Visualisation screen

  • Autoplay of annotations (see settings),
  • Back to the beginning of the annotation
  • Previous annotation,
  • Next annotation,
  • fullscreen,

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • Key p or P to start the autoplay,
  • Key e or E to toggle FullScreen,
  • Key s or S to toggle annotation bounds,
  • Key t or T to toggle the toolsbar,
  • Key and to move from the current annotation to the previous or the next one.

L’icone allows you to adjust some playback settings :

  • select the annotations to be shown according to one or more tags,
  • delay between two annotations (5 seconds by default),
  • viewport navigator,
  • display the toolbar in full screen mode,
  • display the navigation bar for annotations,
  • always start autoplay at the first annotation,
  • enable image rotation,,
  • display the toolbar.

Actions to access each annotation from the annotation list:

  • READ MORE View the annotation content in a modal window,
  • Focus on the annotation area,

Retrieve your projects

Projects are stored in the local storage of your browser. You will be able to find them by reopening a session on the site from which they were created.

Share your projects

Start by downloading your Adno project. It takes the form of a simple text file in json format.

This file is generally light. So you can easily send it by e-mail. Your correspondent will then be able to visualize it, as well as make variations or corrections.

You can also place your file online and distribute its URL. To do this, you can use a website or file server. The IPFS protocol provides an interesting decentralized alternative.

Once your Adno project is online, you can make it visible on a web page by inserting an iframe tag and adjusting the parameters below.

    src="https://w.adno.app/#/embed?url=URL HERE"

Note that by inserting the URL of an IIIF or non-IIIF image, or an IIIF manifest, you can obtain an IIIF viewer.

Adno views tags allows you to embed different types of visualization in your web pages.


Check the frequently asked questions and the documentation to learn more (beware! these parts are still incomplete). If you have any problems or suggestions, please contact us.